Editorial & Coaching Services

Cyn believes everyone has their own unique voice and a variety of compelling stories to share. It brings her great joy to work one-on-one with writers and root for their success. Her stories and essays have appeared in or are forthcoming in South Carolina Review, Raleigh Review, New Ohio Review, The Penn Review, CRAFT, Chestnut Review, Ursa Minor, Fractured Lit, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle and elsewhere, including 805 Living, where for six years as contributing editor she authored a monthly column and numerous features. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Southern Methodist University, and a Master of Fine Arts in Fiction from Pacific University.

She has received a variety of awards for her fiction (see PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS PAGE) and loves anything related to words. Her favorite stint as a college intern was proofreading players’ biographies for the program guide at World Championship Tennis. Currently, she works with at-risk students on college application essays, as well as with clients interested in revising their manuscripts or personal statements.

Please reach out via CONTACT PAGE if you’re interested in discussing a negotiable fee.

Manuscript Critiques: This option is for material that will undergo moderate to extensive revision. Includes short stories and novel excerpts.

Editing: This option is for work that will benefit from cuts and/or minor rewrites. Includes short stories, college essays, personal essays or statements.

Writing Coach: This option is a flexible service for those looking to better their fiction or essays over the course of several sessions, depending on the writer’s goals and needs.